Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Do you think he was bored?????

These pics were taken on Tues. night while at the Nationals. We had a full day of doggie goings on and we were just hanging out watch the Megan. This is a special event that only happens at Nationals. The cardis are broken into their different color groups and then the best from each color goes on to compete for Best Cardigan Welsh Corgi. It's kind of like the Westminster for the Cardi world is the way i look at it! The handlers get pretty dressed up, more than at just a basic show. As you can tell, Charlie goes all out....word has it that this is a new kilt this year. I do have this pic as my desktop at work, it makes me smile! He looks quite dapper if you ask me. :)

Well, Higgins had a lot more down time than he thought he was going to have. Since Ella was the only one of the group to compete at Nationals, Higgins was a little on the disgusted and bored side. By Tues. night, he was showing us exactly how he felt about things. He wanted his OWN chair, and as you can see, the expression on his face tells his side of the story!

Enjoy the pics!


coopercreek said...

Please tell Higgins again that I'm sorry I didn't bring Cooper for him to play with. I hope he will forgive me, and I haven't told Cooper that Higgins was there. He was already mad at me enough.

dreameyce said...

It was really great meeting you! I had a BLAST at the national :)

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